Tuesday, March 30, 2010

taliesin west desert shelter

A writer for the New York Times called the student-designed and built structures at the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture perhaps "the hippest dormitory in the world." The "shelters," as they are called, dot the natural landscape surrounding the campuses, and are offered to students as options for living while attending school

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

if drawing were photographs

A project by Rob Matthew and Tom Edwards, and the first ever zine to be published by It’s Nice That. Perfectly described by the artists as “Tom gave drawings to Rob and Rob tried to make them into photographs.”

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

music - angus and julia stone

since music is a massive love for me i have decided to post the albums that i am into at the moment.
This week i have been listening to the new Angus and Julia stone album Down the Way. it is alot like the last album and i like that. my favorite song would have to be 'Yellow Brick Road'

matthias heiderich

i have resently become obsesed with this photographer webpage called http://www.photographyserved.com there are so many talented photographers with there work up there. here is one i found that i have fallen in love with while browsing. its called 'Winter Berlin' by Matthias Heiderich. i love how its so simple and white.
check more out at http://www.photographyserved.com/Gallery/Winter-Berlin/414331 and make sure you appreciate it

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

thomas birke

i think these few images from thomas birke are really cool and kinda surreal about them. they dont even look like photos they look like they have been painted.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

alberto seves

these images are by Alberto Seves. These are not computer generated like they look, what he
has done is tipped varnish into a bowl and then taken these amazing photos. I really like
how the images look so 3D. amazing i love it.