Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Henrique Oliveira’s

Brazilian artist Henrique Oliveira's “tridimensionals” installations will be exhibited at the Rice Gallery in Houston, Texas between March 26th and May 9th, 2009.

From the Rice Gallery:

Oliveira uses tapumes, which in Portuguese can mean “fencing,” “boarding,” or “enclosure,” as a title for many of his large-scale installations. The term makes reference to the temporary wooden construction fences seen throughout the city of São Paulo where Oliveira lives. It also refers to the weathered wood Oliveira uses as the primary material in his installations.

been away

i have been away here is
a collection of photos that inspire me.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

eyjafjallajoekull volcano

i have no idea who the photographer is but wow.

Spectacular pictures have been captured of a lightning display over Iceland's Eyjafjallajoekull volcano which continues to erupt.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been stranded across the globe as a result of the eruption which has shut down the airspace across Europe for the fifth day in a row.

More than 25,000 flights have so far been grounded in what has been billed as the single biggest aviation incident since the Second World War.

Monday, April 19, 2010

spencer murphy

spencer murphy i would say is one of the best photographers i have found in a while.
i just love what he decides to photograph and the way he does. take a look at his portfolio.

marc johns

these drawing from marc johns are so cute.
for more go to

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

student work - alex cornell

Wes Anderson fans – Alex Cornell created extensive promotional material for a hypothetical Wes Anderson Film Festival for his grad project. Posters, packaging, even a trailer.

the selby

i love it when one of your favorite blogs makes a book

holger schilling + stefan tobler

While you slept, we revolutionized the world.
While her imprisoned in your bunkers, we changed the music
and while you wander through the pierced and tattooed
upset, we defined the fashion.

What began as a tribute to the 68s, as a reflection
the appearance and personality might be a
apparently revolutionary generation, was a study
the post-war architecture. Was developed and designed '
- Leave the Nachkriegstyp is the archetype. Small universes
by their similarity to the paradox. The Bauhaus
architecture will find its counterpart and is in its formal
Rigor and modernity, the exaggeration of this archetype.

While you slept is the image of the City - The Bauhaus of the little man.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

taliesin west desert shelter

A writer for the New York Times called the student-designed and built structures at the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture perhaps "the hippest dormitory in the world." The "shelters," as they are called, dot the natural landscape surrounding the campuses, and are offered to students as options for living while attending school

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

if drawing were photographs

A project by Rob Matthew and Tom Edwards, and the first ever zine to be published by It’s Nice That. Perfectly described by the artists as “Tom gave drawings to Rob and Rob tried to make them into photographs.”

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

music - angus and julia stone

since music is a massive love for me i have decided to post the albums that i am into at the moment.
This week i have been listening to the new Angus and Julia stone album Down the Way. it is alot like the last album and i like that. my favorite song would have to be 'Yellow Brick Road'

matthias heiderich

i have resently become obsesed with this photographer webpage called there are so many talented photographers with there work up there. here is one i found that i have fallen in love with while browsing. its called 'Winter Berlin' by Matthias Heiderich. i love how its so simple and white.
check more out at and make sure you appreciate it